Fitness Quest

I just turned 34 years old on August 15th and I have a problem...I want to change my body. In the next six months, I am going to get healthy.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Current stats:
Blood pressure - 125/85 (already reduced from all-time high of 140/100)
220 lbs. (already down from all-time high of 257 lbs.)
18.9% body fat
Somatotype - Endomorph
0 pull-ups, cannot dunk, "keg" abs, 38-inch waist

Blood pressure - 115/75
195 lbs.
12.5% body fat
Somatotype - Mesomorph
30 pull-ups, dunk a basketball, six-pack abs, 34-inch waist

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What do you think of bioelectrical impedance body comp testing?

How much cardio should I incorporate into my exercise regimen? (Assume 3 times/week)

What type of cardio?