Fitness Quest

I just turned 34 years old on August 15th and I have a problem...I want to change my body. In the next six months, I am going to get healthy.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


In early 2009, my doctor and I seriously discussed putting me on blood pressure medication for the first time. My family history of high blood pressure was finally rearing its ugly head -- 140/100 was the highest I had ever seen. I had long ago eliminated salt from my diet, I told him. After all, I never put table salt on my food, and I do not eat high-salt foods! Right?

Sure I was under a lot of stress, but I was working out 2-3 times/week doing elliptical, swimming, and stationary bike. In 2008, my weight had ballooned to 257 lbs., an all-time high for me. Since that time, I had lost some weight and was feeling good about myself at 240 lbs.!

Still, SOMEthing was wrong. Why had I reached a plateau at 240, peaked at 140/100, had no energy, and looked like a beached whale? I had to find a better way.

Inspiration #1: no blood pressure meds.
Inspiration #2: get off plateau to feel and look better.

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What do you think of bioelectrical impedance body comp testing?

How much cardio should I incorporate into my exercise regimen? (Assume 3 times/week)

What type of cardio?